Episode Summary
iland Cloud Technologist Brian Knudtson is joined by guests Eric Lee, Ron Singler, and Kim Delgado for a conversation on how cloud platforms can be more accessible through simplification and automation. They discuss, among other things, why single-pane-of-glass ought to be spelled P-A-I-N and why APIs have come to the rescue. You can’t nerd-knob your way out of this one!
Cloud Conversations
Topic 1
[04:35] Developing a “single-pain-of-glass” for an infrastructure is particularly difficult to achieve. Why is it important for customers to be able to reduce the number of interfaces they have to deal with?
Topic 2
[13:10] Does simplifying an interface always require reducing the control customers have? Which is most important?
Topic 3
[20:05] How important should a solid API be to customers and what should they be looking for to evaluate a cloud provider’s APIs?
Cloud Bites
[04:08] “Right now what’s happening is all of the different clouds are becoming different silos of expertise.” – Kim Delgado
[05:24] “There are so many integration points now compared to what there was 25 years ago.” – Eric Lee
[06:24] “We’re customizing what that pane of glass looks like for each team instead of having a “single pane of glass”” – Eric Lee
[06:47] “Things have only become more complex with every layer of abstraction that we’ve added to our infrastructure.” – Ron Singler
[08:06] “It’s definitely P-A-I-N when you’re talking about a single-pane-of-glass.” – Kim Delgado
[09:57] “That’s putting the onus on you as a customer to then kind of create that single pane of glass, which at some levels is completely unavoidable.” – Brian Knudtson
[13:59] “For any vendor, they should always work to simplify the UI…but the end user should have access, whether it’s via CLI or API or something, to all of the features.” – Ron Singler
[20:40] “You need a well-structured, well-documented API, and it needs to be able to be versionable, backwards compatible.” – Kim Delgado
[22:15] “People’s lives may be at stake in a hospital/healthcare situation…so having vendors follow API standards is at most importance to us.” – Eric Lee
[22:49] “Since we’re simplifying the UI, they can still do all their complex nerd-knobbing in the APIs.” – Ron Singler
“Right now what’s happening is all of the different clouds are becoming different silos of expertise.”
Episode Asset
The Journey to the Cloud is as Important as the Destination
By 2020, it’s expected that nearly 85 percent of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud. While the benefits of cloud are clear — flexibility, reduced overhead, and consumption-based pricing — the path to get to the cloud is often not.
Watch this iland and VMware webinar to learn how:
- On-boarding can make or break IaaS and DRaaS customers
- Project-based migration makes all the difference in successful cloud adoption
- VMware-based clouds are the better choice over hyperscale cloud providers
- Iland provides their customers with an experience unlike any other cloud provider