Episode Summary
iland Cloud Technologist Brian Knudtson is joined by guests Jennifer Brenner, Will Urban, Matt Vogt and Eric Wright for a preview of the upcoming CloudBytes Podcast. In this sneak-peek episode, our group of cloud marketers, experts and practitioners will give you a taste of what to expect from Season 1. Does the cloud bite? Find out.
Cloud Conversations
Topic 1
[07:08] CloudBytes Season 1 — What will it be about?
Topic 2
[13:18] So, yet another podcast about the cloud. What will be different about CloudBytes? What format will we use and how will our discussions play out?
Topic 3
[16:31] Which special guest came up with the name, CloudBytes? Will a podcast formatted like this be conducive to well-reasoned discussion? Does the cloud, in fact, bite?
Topic 4
[24:35] Is there room for another cloud podcast?
Cloud Bites
[02:03] “I think when you say, ‘cloud’ it can mean so many things to so many people, both from a business perspective and a technology perspective, you have to really know what you’re looking for and what’s out there.” – Will Urban
[03:01] “I think there are some really interesting things to talk about in people’s cloud journey that aren’t just the pie-in-the-sky. I’m really interested in exploring actual people doing actual things in the cloud, which includes stubbing some toes.” – Matt Vogt
[07:08] “What are the core attributes of a successful cloud for any company? Those were, it needs to be capable, flexible, reliable, resilient, accessible, connected, global, supported, compatible, secure and compliant.” – Jennifer Brenner
[11:40] “Every cloud comes with its warning labels. They’re designed to do certain things.” – Brian Knudtson
[13:38] “It’s not like a car. Everybody knows what a car is, everybody agrees what a car is. Cloud is just this ambiguous thing. What does it do?.” – Will Urban
[17:24] “The second greatest thing to watch is a perfectly executed stunt. The greatest thing to watch is a not quite perfectly executed stunt. That’s the same with cloud adoption or application stuff.” – Eric Wright
“I’m really interested in exploring actual people doing actual things in the cloud, which includes stubbing some toes.”