Episode Summary

We’re baaaaaack! iland Cloud Technologist Brian Knudtson is joined by guests Eric Lee, James Costanzo, and Masele Ivey to preview Season 2 of the CloudBytes Podcast. They take you behind the scenes of the successful first season and discuss what to expect in upcoming episodes. Got cloud concerns? Don’t we all.

Subscribe today so you don’t miss out on season 2, and catch up on season 1 episodes right here on cloudbytes.cloud while you wait.


Eric Lee
Solutions Architect

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Masele Ivey
Marketing Strategist, iland

Twitter Link LinkedIn

James Costanzo
Content Specialist, iland

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Cloud Conversations

Topic 1

[03:45] I’d like to start by reflecting back on season 1 to start. James, I pulled you in partway through the production of season one, but you were instrumental in getting it launched publicly. How do you think it went?

Topic 2

[06:18] What’s planned for season 2? What’s the theme? Are there any changes listeners should expect?

Topic 3

[09:39] My first run of this polling on cloud concerns actually occurred at a Kansas City VMUG meeting. Eric, you were a leader of that VMUG at the time, so you saw that discussion first-hand. You were also a repeat panelist last season and someone who has seen the cloud as a customer, a trusted advisor, and in presales at a cloud vendor, so I’d love your perspective of this theme and how much you think fear and concerns are driving cloud business decisions?

Cloud Bites

[02:02] “I’d say Season 2 is really the natural foil to Season 1” – James Costanzo

[06:52] “This season, I’m focusing the episodes on what I’m calling the ‘cloud concerns.’ This is a series of items that, as customers are looking to move to the cloud, as I’ve helped with customers in the past as well, understanding the things that really hold them back.” – Brian Knudtson

[08:02] “I’ve heard a lot of customers over the years say, ‘We’re just not ready for cloud.’ They can’t put it into any other words. They can’t really point to anything hard. They just say, ‘We’re not ready for that.’ Sometimes that comes down to the company culture itself — it has to change as you move to the cloud.” – Brian Knudtson

[09:09] “I actually did some live polling about it, to get an idea of what people were really finding concerns with, within their own companies.” – Brian Knudtson

[10:40] “There are many, many challenges, which is why you have 19 topics lined up for this season, and I’m very interested to see what others have to say on these topics.” – Eric Lee

[13:57] “But in the cloud, you can buy it on a consumption basis, but there’s so many more things to manage. You kind of get this, ‘Where do I start? I don’t even know what to do? What’s our minimum viable security posture? Minimum viable workload?’” – Eric Lee

[17:29] “What are the concerns? What are the answers? How would the experts address them? What are our customers thinking and feeling about whatever their concerns may be in the cloud? I think that’s what I’m most looking forward to.” – James Costanzo

[19:11] “It’s definitely an area of focus that a lot of customers need so it’s great that you’re providing that with this podcast.” – Eric Lee

[19:18] “I think that this next season is going to be amazing as well. Not only from an educational standpoint, but also bringing in all of these experts across the field and getting their different perspectives on these issues, because there’s so many ways to view these things. And I think that’ll be highly beneficial to all of the customers out there.” – Masele Ivey

[19:54] “Sometimes there are debates and you agree to disagree and I think that aspect as well is another thing that makes this podcast so valuable, because you’re getting all these different perspectives.” – James Costanzo

“What are the concerns? What are the answers? How would the experts address them? What are our customers thinking and feeling about whatever their concerns may be in the cloud? I think that’s what I’m most looking forward to.”